I had a call from the client this week to express how happy they were to close out all the snags on site and your workmanship. Commissioning engineer said it was great working with us. Site is now being handed over to SW and complete
Thanks again
Emily Carr
Contracts Manager
CMDP – Brede – MEICA Manager
Just wanted to say a massive thanks for all the blood, sweat and tears you put in at Brede to help us get to this stage.
Stags Common
Galliford Try passed on how well Jeff and Mick performed on site at Stags Common and asked for his commendation to be passed on. The site team were very impressed with how fast and efficient they worked only requiring one shut down to fit the extension panel.
Area Commissioning Manager
Please send my thanks to the LCS Engineer for his work on site, my commissioning guy has nothing but positive comments.
Project Manager
I would also like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you for a good job done with the software.
Marcus D
Bishops Green BHPS
I would like to add a big well done and my personal thanks to everyone in helping achieve this date which has been a significant achievement to say the least.
Project Manager